Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wallwisher and it's Educational Purposes - Marina and Shawn

     There are many applications on the internet that can be used for educational purposes.  One of these applications is Wallwisher. It can be accessed through and the application starts with a blank wall and anyone is allowed to access the wall and post anything.  An example situation for an educational purpose would be critical thinking questions.A teacher can make a wall and post a question.The students can then get on a web-enabled device, enter a certain link. and answer the question as a class. Everyone who was entered into that class by the teacher can view their classmates' answers, and can help improve each others answers. This can be beneficial for people who are shy and are uncomfortable of answering questions out loud in front of the class.                                                                

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

RSS Assignment Questions

  • Why did you select the sites you subscribed to?
  • Was it easy to find feeds and to subscribe to them?
  • Which sites were your favorites?
  • What else can you use RSS feeds for?
  • How likely are you to continue to use RSS feeds in the future?

  • I have a deep interest in technology, which is why I chose the NYT as one of my websites.  I also have a large interest in video games, which is the reason why I subscribed to the Game Informer RSS feed.  Lastly, I have an interest in U.S. breaking news so subscribing to the CIA website can give me important news fast.  The rest have similar reasons.
  • It wasn't a one step process.  The RSS links are usually hidden in the website, and it can be difficult to find.  Once found, however, you place the RSS link onto your RSS reader and all your news is instantly fed to you.
  • My favorite site is the Game Informer site.  I love games, and any gaming news is an excite to me.
  • You can use RSS feeds for an array of things, mostly pertaining to world or local news.
  • I may continue to use RSS feeds if I can't find anything good on the internet.  I could go to my reader and probably find something I couldn't find on my own.
  • Thursday, April 11, 2013

    App That Can Hijack Planes

    A hacker takes advantage of a phone's communication interface to control a plane's controls. Due to the fact that today's planes have a lack of security, it's easy to use this hack on a live airplane. While it hasn't been used on a plane, simulations have showed that it's possible for this app to work. It's recommended that planes beef up their security before another person with malicious purposes get's their hands on them.

    Monday, April 8, 2013

    Spring Break

    Spring Break Events:

    - Went to Jersey City to go bowling with old friends. (Wednesday)
    - Went to Nintendo Land and the movie theatre to see G.I. Joe, then went to Schnipper's. (Saturday)
    - Spent the entire day playing my 3DS. (Sunday)